I willingly surrender the illusion of my own personal evolution
-that healing through THIS will lead to a better, more complex, more Evolved me-
everyone tells me this, though
the tarot cards
the spiritual books
all those damned butterfly metaphors
when I sit with Nature I witness something else
the caterpillar is not less evolved than the butterfly, no?
each are magnificently intelligent
each reaching for, aspiring towards, their ultimate
before changing, yet again
before being thrust back into the cycle of death and rebirth
so it goes with us
we don’t evolve into a more enlightened life form, or version of Self
(…maybe a version of Self we’d like to take into the future
…maybe for this illusory confidence: to rest assured we won’t repeat THIS again)
we expand who we already are, right now
until there’s nothing left to do but go beyond this
and become, anew
we Become
not more evolved, intelligent, specialized, complex
we Become
more varied, diverse, experienced, adaptable
observe Nature and you will see
we are becoming, You and I
becoming the maximum expression of what’s possible for us in this moment
until we can’t take THIS any further
until we let it go
until we change again
-Jessica Shepherd, healer, author Follow the Moonlit Path