Are you highly sensitive? A healer, empath, creative, artist? Do you love symbolism? Do you love the sea? If so, this may be the tool you have been looking for.
Long before oracle decks existed, healers consulted Mother Nature for guidance. For questions of the heart, they would interpret the information they had to work with—elements from the surrounding natural world. A walk in a forest, mountains, riverbed, beach could yield many insights.
How can you have more experiences of a world shimmering with guidance just for you?
These cards offer unique guiding principles and energy practices designed to shift troubling patterns and create more ease, peace, and contentment in your life. Drawing on the rich seascape of Hawaii and its gentle Aloha spirit, prepare to access your inner knowing, utilize your remarkable sensitive awareness, and be guided into deep connection with your True Divine Self!
Why I created this deck
excerpted from the Guidebook’s prologue…
As an energy sensitive empath and intuitive who loves the language of symbolism, and the sea, the practices in this book, and companion card deck, developed out of an expansion of awareness that required new tools and understanding. On one hand, I felt I had done so much healing work over the years I figured there couldn’t possibly be more! But this was a different kind of “work”—it was an undoing. This was about undoing false perceptions I had learned and coming back home to myself.
Noticing, listening inward, I began to reconnect to that rich, inner guidance…a reliable Guide within, poised and ever ready, awaiting my inner attention and presence. Good, kind, perfect, and already whole, her sensitive, gentle nature made her unique. Unlike what I’d been believing about myself, I discovered I was intuitively aware of far more than I’d allowed myself to previously access—I had just been too busy doubting, judging, being in conflict with myself to see it.
I was being reacquainted with a more permanent sense of Being and well-being. This was my Soul—my True Divine Self. I may’ve temporarily forgotten to connect, but we had never been apart. I remembered my Self as grace, compassion, gentleness and total acceptance, and when reconnecting with this abundant, free state of being, I realized I have all of the answers I need. When a problem or question arises, a solution is nearby. I also noticed, when connected inwardly, I felt a certain way. Peaceful. All is well.
Of course, I wanted access to this all the time!
I live by the ocean, so the beach, the sea, and the tropical landscape of Hawaii is my oracular deck. There is so much symbolism here to work with – it is a playground. Shells, fish, whales, driftwood, starfish, turtles, sand, debris, coral, plankton, old fishermen nets, hermit crabs, sunrise and sunset, the tide, sand dollars, coconuts, palm fronds, sea glass… you can interpret anything.
One day while walking on Oahu’s Kahala beach and connecting with the land and seascape, the idea fell into place. After all, when we moved to Hawaii in 2018, what had become my singular goal for myself—I want to feel, deeply connected to and centered in ease, peace, grace, and presence all of the time—was mirrored back to me in these beautiful islands. From the grace of hula dancers to the rhythmic sway of palms, from the abundance surrounding—fruit, flowers, wildlife and ‘aina (land)—to the generous nature of the people here who everyday share their Aloha, which means “to live in light and joy,” the Light energy here reminds me of my own connection to my True Divine Self.
These cards represent guiding practices I work with both cognitively and in my feeling-energy body. Not one day passes that I am not asked, by my own Soul, to more fully integrate a truer awareness or understanding. There is always another invitation to more deeply sink into presence and Truth…and then another, and another. Not because there is anything wrong, or something inside needs fixing…not because there is sticky karma to resolve or more spiritual lessons to learn…but because Spirit delights in inviting us to experience ever-expanding levels of fulfillment, joy, peace, contentment.
This is what it means, to me, to be a spiritual person in a human incarnation.
This is the work that many healers, artists, writers, creatives are called to do.
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